Student Staff

No one knows the GW experience better than a GW student. The Office of Undergraduate Admissions is proud to have a dedicated team of student staff members who welcome guests to campus in our Welcome Center, lead campus tours, connect with prospective students and families via email and phone, and assist us with on-campus and virtual programming!

Get to know our Admissions Fellows and Student Admissions Representatives below. To learn more about GW or have your questions answered, contact our office - our students will be happy to talk about their experience and assist you on your journey to GW!

Admissions Fellows

Kyle Balfour

Class of 2026
School: Elliott School of International Affairs
Major: International Affairs and Political Science
Hometown: Wellington, FL

Student Orgs: Young Black Professionals in International Affairs

Antara Cleetus

Class of 2026
School: Elliott School of International Affairs
Major: International Affairs
Minor: Public Health 
Hometown: Pittsburgh, PA

Student Orgs: GW Bhangra, Eta Society of Global Affairs, OneWorld GW

Josh Daley.

Josh Daley

Class of 2025
School: Elliott School of International Affairs
Major: International Affairs (International Development concentration) and French
Hometown: Summit, NJ

Student Orgs: Generic Theatre Company, Sigma Iota Rho, Orientation Leader (2022)

Meera Durvasula

Class of 2026
School: Columbian College of Arts and Sciences, School of Business
Major: Communication and Marketing
Minor: Sustainability
Hometown: Groton, MA

Student Orgs: GW Palooza, Generic Theater Company, GW South Asian Society 

Peyton Gallant

Class of 2026
School: School of Business, School of Media and Public Affairs
Major: Business and Political Communication 
Hometown: Tallahassee, FL

Student Orgs: GW Student Government Association, GW College Democrats, GW Dance Marathon

Yana Gelman

Class of 2025
School: Milken Institute School of Public Health
Major: Exercise Science and Nutrition Science
Hometown: Brooklyn, NY

Student Orgs: GW Dance Marathon, MEOR DC, Student Government Association, AMWA

Ethan Lynne

Class of 2026
School: Columbian College of Arts and Sciences, School of Media and Public Affairs
Major: Political Science and Political Communication
Hometown: Ashland, VA

Student Orgs: Student Government Association, GW College Democrats, Residence Hall Association

Hannah Parker peeking out of a red telephone booth in London.

Hannah Parker

Class of 2025
School: Columbian College of Arts and Sciences
Major: Psychology and Brain Sciences
Minor: History
Hometown: Sharon, MA

Student Orgs: GW Panhellenic, Balance,  GW Hillel

Emmanuella Pitts

Emme Pitts

Class of 2025
School: Columbian College of Arts and Sciences, Elliott School of International Affairs
Major: International Affairs (Security Policy concentration) and Geographical Information Systems (GIS)
Hometown: Andover, MA

Student Orgs: The Eta Society for Global Affairs, Women in International Security, Student Government Association

Grace Songer

Class of 2025
School: Columbian College of Arts and Sciences, School of Media and Public Affairs
Major: Political Science and Political Communication
Minor: Art History
Hometown: Alexandria, KY

Student Orgs: Generic Theatre Company, Alpha Delta Pi, GW Palooza

Diego Uriarte and a friend with bike helmets on posing for a selfie.

Diego Uriarte

Class of 2025
School: Columbian College of Arts and Sciences
Major: Economics
Minor: Philosophy and Sustainability 
Hometown: Guaynabo, PR

Student Orgs: GW Club Soccer, Residence Hall Association, Puerto Rican Student Association

Admissions Representatives

Belinda Ashitey.

Belinda Ashitey

Class of 2028
School: Columbian College of Arts and Sciences
Major: Chemistry
Minors: Biology and French
Hometown: Woodbridge, VA

Student Orgs: D.C. Through A Lens (DCTAL), GW Black Student Union 

Bernice Ashitey.

Bernice Ashitey

Class of 2028
School: Elliott School of International Affairs
Major: International Affairs
Minors: Spanish
Hometown: Woodbridge, VA

Student Orgs: GW Undergraduate Moot Court, Women's Pre-Law Student Association (WPLSA), and Black Student Union (BSU)

Chloe Baker.

Chloe Baker

Class of 2026
School: Milken Institute School of Public Health
Dual Degree: B.S./M.P.H. Program
Major: Public Health
Minors: Emergency Health Services, Pre-Med
Hometown: Ticonderoga, NY

Student Orgs: GlobeMed at GW, Pi Beta Phi, GW AMWA (American Medical Women's Association)

Caroline Banholzer

Class of 2026
School: Columbian College of Arts and Sciences
Major: Chemistry
Hometown: Huntingtown, MD

Student Orgs: Alpha Chi Sigma

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Darianny Bautista

Class of 2026
School: Columbian College of Arts and Sciences
Major: Political Science and Philosophy (Public Affairs Concentration)
Hometown: Newark, NJ

Student Orgs: Student Government Association, Transfer Student Association, Phi Alpha Delta Pre-Law Fraternity

Trisha Brahmachari posing for a photo with the U.S. Capitol in the background.

Trisha Brahmachari

Class of 2026
School: Columbian College of Arts and Sciences
Major: Economics
Minor: International Business
Hometown: Sharon, MA

Student Orgs: GW South Asian Society, GW Alpha Delta Pi, GW Raas

Nadia Brittain.

Nadia Brittain

Class of 2026
School: School of Business
Major: Business with a concentration in Economics and Public Policy
Minor: Dance
Hometown: Clinton, MD

Student Orgs: Mu Delta chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha, Capital Funk, President of the National Pan Hellenic Council 

Ella Brown.

Ella Brown

Class of 2025
School: Columbian College of Arts and Sciences
Major: Environmental and Sustainability Science
Minor: Data Science, Geographical Information Systems (GIS)
Hometown: Fishkill, NY

Student Orgs: Data Science for Sustainable Development, Theta Tau, Responsible Fashion Collective

Jacqueline Campoverde.

Jacqueline Campoverde

Class of 2027
School: School of Business
Major: Finance
Minor: Anthropology
Hometown: Queens, NY

Student Orgs: Community Engagement Advisor, Alianza; GW First Gen United

Joao Cardoso posing for a photo on the National Mall. The Washington Monument and the Reflecting Pool are behind him.

JC Cardoso

Class of 2025
School: Elliott School of International Affairs
Major: International Affairs
Minor: History
Hometown: São Paulo, Brazil

Student Orgs: GW Poker Club, GW BRASA (Brazilian Students Association), LATAM

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Katherine Carroll

Class of 2026
School: School of Media and Public Affairs
Major: Political Communication
Hometown: Carlisle, MA

Student Orgs: George’s Army, Alpha Delta Pi, Student Government Association

Julianna Chavez.

Julianna Chavez

Class of 2027
School: Milken Institute School of Public Health
Major: Public Health
Hometown: San Dimas, CA

Student Orgs: Student Government Association, Phi Alpha Delta Pre Law Academic Fraternity, It's On US GW chapter,

Erika Cole.

Erika Cole

Class of 2028
School:  Elliott School of International Affairs
Major: International Affairs
Hometown: Dekalb, IL

Student Orgs: GW Undergraduate Moot Court, GW Dems, GW Student Government Association

Natalie Delavan on the streets of New York City.

Natalie Delavan

Class of 2027
School:  Columbian College of Arts and Sciences
Major: English
Minors:  Information Systems and Italian
Hometown: Camp Hill, PA

Student Orgs: GW CHAARG, student theatre, ArtReach

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Chloé Elie

Class of 2025
School: Milken Institute School of Public Health
Major: Public Health
Hometown: Lancaster, PA

Student Orgs: District K, Kesem at GW, Every Nations Campus

Grace Gleason.

Grace Gleason

Class of 2025
School: Columbian College of Arts and Sciences
Majors: Political Science and Criminal Justice
Minor: Spanish
Hometown: Ocean City, NJ

Student Orgs: GW Army ROTC, Phi Alpha Delta Pre-Law Fraternity 

Kayla Golbert in a conservatory.

Kayla Golbert

Class of 2026
School: Columbian College of Arts and Sciences
Major: Political Science
Hometown: Atlanta, GA

Student Orgs: Forbidden Planet Productions, Kesem at GW, Phi Alpha Delta pre-law fraternity

Zakee Hamawi

Class of 2026
School: Elliott School of International Affairs
Majors: International Affairs and Economics
Minor: Arabic
Hometown: Singapore

Student Orgs: Singapore Student Association, Undergraduate Consulting Group, International Student Association

Ava Hamelburg.

Ava Hamelburg

Class of 2026
School: Elliott School of International Affairs
Majors: International Affairs and Political Science
Minor: Spanish
Hometown: Sonoma, CA

Student Orgs: Swing Left, EJAN, Nashman Center

Kate Henjes

Class of 2025
School: Elliott School of International Affairs
Majors: International Affairs and German Language & Literature
Minor: Spanish
Hometown: Rye, NY

Student Orgs: GW Club Boxing, WRGW, & GW TNBS

Adriana Hernandez Jimenez

Adriana Hernandez Jimenez

Class of 2026
School: Columbian College of Arts and Sciences
Majors: Criminal Justice and Political Science
Minor: Spanish
Hometown: Seattle, WA

Student Orgs: The Organization of Latin American Students (OLAS)

Samuel Hoover.

Samuel Hoover

Class of 2026
School: Columbian College of Arts and Sciences
Majors: Political Science and History
Hometown: St. Joseph, MN

Student Orgs: Undergraduate Moot Court, GW Jazz Orchestra, Club Running

Talar Hovsepian.

Talar Hovsepian

Class of 2028
School: School of Engineering and Applied Science
Major: Civil Engineering
Hometown: Philadelphia, PA

Student Orgs: GW MotherFunkers A Cappella, American Society of Civil Engineers, Sustainable Solutions

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Daniel Hutton

Class of 2028
School: Elliott School of International Affairs
Major: International Affairs
Hometown: Madison, WI

Student Orgs: GW College Democrats, GW International Law, WRGW

Zach Izer.

Zach Izer

Class of 2026
School: Elliott School of International Affairs
Major: International Affairs (International Economics concentration) and Political Science
Hometown: Montgomery, AL

Student Orgs: Phi Alpha Delta Pre-Law Fraternity, GW Red Cross, GW International Affairs Society

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Debbie Kwak

Class of 2025
School: Elliott School of International Affairs
Major: International Affairs and Korean Language & Literature
Hometown: San Jose, CA

Student Orgs: GW Vibes A Capella Group, Campus Outreach, GW KASS (Korean American Student Society)

Joey Levi.

Joey Levi

Class of 2026
School: School of Business
Major: Accounting and Economics
Hometown: Huntingdon Valley, PA

Student Orgs: GW Football Club, Chabad

Aiden Linkov posing for a photo in front of the U.S. Capitol.

Aiden Linkov

Class of 2028
School: Columbian College of Arts and Sciences
Major: Political Science
Hometown: Princeton, NJ

Student Orgs: Student Government Association, GW Socially Responsible Investment Fund, Paws For Cause

David Lopez.

David Lopez

Class of 2027
School: Elliott School of International Affairs
Major: International Affairs
Hometown: Vienna, VA

Student Orgs: Organization of Latin American Students, Chinese Affairs Forum, Student Government Association Legislative DEI

Leila MacKinnon

Class of 2026
School: Elliott School of International Affairs
Major: International Affairs and Economics
Hometown: Woodstock, CT

Student Orgs: GW Dance Marathon, GW Women’s Network

Leticia Marrero Miranda

Class of 2026
School: Columbian College of Arts and Sciences
Major: Sociology
Hometown: Guaynabo, Puerto Rico

Student Orgs: Phi Alpha Delta Pre-Law Fraternity, Student Government Association - Legal Counsel

Maren McCrossan

Class of 2026
School: School of Engineering and Applied Science
Major: Biomedical Engineering
Minors:  Public Health and Electrical Engineering
Hometown: Bronx, NY

Student Orgs: Biomedical Engineering Society, Sigma Delta Tau, Panhellenic Association

Julia McGillivray sitting at an outdoor restaurant with a mug of coffee on the table in front of her.

Julia McGillivray

Class of 2026
School: School of Engineering and Applied Science
Major: Mechanical-Aerospace Engineering
Hometown: Hanover, MA

Student Orgs: Alpha Omega Epsilon, Engineers without Borders, WLP

Diya Mehta

Class of 2025
School: Elliott School of International Affairs
Majors: International Affairs and Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies
Hometown: Sudbury, MA

Student Orgs: Onero Institute, WPS consortium

Urja Mehta standing in front of a body of water with kayaks behind her.

Urja Mehta

Class of 2026
School: Milken Institute School of Public Health
Major: Public Health
Minor: Organizational Sciences
Hometown: Mason, OH

Student Orgs: Residence Hall Association (RHA), Epsilon Sigma Alpha (ESA), and the WLP Student Advisory Board 

Emma Milchunes

Class of 2025
School: Elliott School of International Affairs
Majors: International Affairs and Arabic Studies
Hometown: Pembroke, MA

Student Orgs: International Affairs Society, Sigma Iota Rho

Christiane Morton.

Christiane Morton

Class of 2026
School: Elliott School of International Affairs
Major: International Affairs
Concentration: Global Public Health
Hometown: Nashville, TN

Student Orgs: Delta Phi Epsilon Foreign Service Society, GlobeMed, GWU RAGE

Soliana Mulugeta sitting in a restaurant.

Soliana Mulugeta

Class of 2026
School: School of Business
Major: Information Systems and Economics
Hometown: Plano, TX

Student Orgs: Web Designer of GW Local, Director of Communications for Women’s Career Connect, member of Sigma Kappa Sorority, member of Ethiopian-Eritrean Student Association

Aodhan Murray posing for a photo at the U.S. Capitol.

Aodhan Murray

Class of 2026
School: Columbian College of Arts and Sciences
Majors: Political Science and Criminal Justice
Hometown: Lower Gwynedd, PA

Student Orgs: The International Affairs Society, GW Pre-Law Student Association, GW Radio

Deeksha Ravi.

Deeksha Ravi

Class of 2028
School: School of Engineering and Applied Science
Major: Systems Engineering
Minor: International Affairs
Hometown: Coimbatore, India

Student Orgs: George Hacks, Dining Student Advisory Panel, and Community Engagement Assistant for the Honey W. Nashman Center for Civic Engagement and Public Service

Emma Reinhard.

Emma Reinhard

Class of 2027
School: School of Business
Major: International Business
Minor: Public Policy
Concentration: Real Estate
Hometown: State College, PA

Student Orgs: Delta Sigma Pi, Student Government Association, Commercial Real Estate Network

Maeve Richardson posing for a photo in front of a waterway.

Maeve Richardson

Class of 2026
School: Milken Institute School of Public Health
Majors: Public Health and Psychology
Hometown: Medway, MA

Student Orgs: APO, GW Balance

Aiden Ridges posing for a rooftop photo. The Washington Monument is visible behind him.

Aidan Ridges

Class of 2025
School: Elliott School of International Affairs
Major: International Affairs
Hometown: Lisle, IL

Student Orgs: Transfer Student Association, Democracy Matters, SustainableGW

Caroline Schure

Class of 2027
School: Columbian College of Arts and Sciences
Majors: Communication and Judaic Studies
Hometown: Philadelphia, PA

Student Orgs: Greek Life, Chabad

Noah Shapiro posing for a photo on a lake.

Noah Shapiro

Class of 2026
School: Columbian College of Arts and Sciences
Majors: Organizational Sciences and Judaic Studies
Minor: Hebrew
Hometown: Deerfield, IL

Student Orgs: Sons of Pitch A Cappella, Generic Theater Company, GW Hillel

Lilly Shaw at the tidal basin during peak bloom.

Lilly Shaw

Class of 2027
School:  Milken Institute School of Public Health
Major: Health Data Science
Minor: Music
Hometown: Washington, DC

Student Orgs: Chronic Health Advocates, University Singers, GW Dining Student Advisory Panel

Paola Sigüenza Barragán at the tidal basin during peak bloom.

Paola Sigüenza Barragán

Class of 2027
School: Elliott School of International Affairs
Major: International Affairs and Economics
Hometown: Monterrey, Mexico

Student Orgs: International Students Association; Consortium on Women, Peace and Security; GW Rage

Thav Sindhwani.

Thav Sindhwani

Class of 2028
School: Elliott School of International Affairs
Major: International Affairs
Minor: Conflict Resolution
Hometown: Cary, NC

Student Orgs: Running Revs, GW Democrats, South Asian Society 

Sarah Strolger.

Sarah Strolger

Class of 2027
School: Elliott School of International Affairs
Major: International Affairs
Minor: Statistics
Concentration: Gender in International Affairs
Hometown: Baltimore, MD

Student Orgs: GW Panhellenic, GW IAS, GW RAGE

Walker Szczecina at the tidal basin during peak bloom.

Walker Szczecina

Class of 2027
School: Columbian College of Arts and Sciences
Majors: Political Science and Data Science
Hometown: Maplewood, NJ

Student Orgs: Model UN, International Affairs Society, Forbidden Planet Productions, and GW Democrats

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Ryan Tiedemann

Class of 2026
School: Elliott School of International Affairs
Major: International Affairs and Philosophy
Hometown: Timonium, MD

Student Orgs: GW Parliamentary Debate Team, Sigma Iota Rho, GW Badminton Team

Katie Vinson.

Katie Vinson

Class of 2025
School: Milken Institute School of Public Health
Major: Public Health
Minors: English and Public Policy
Hometown: Closter, NJ

Student Orgs: Capital Peers

Allison Walker.

Allison Walker

Class of 2026
School: Corcoran School of the Arts and Design
Major: Interior Architecture
Hometown: Haverford, PA

Student Orgs: Sigma Delta Tau

Abby Weer.

Abby Weer

Class of 2027
School: Columbian College of Arts and Sciences
Major: Psychological and Brain Sciences, Pre-PA track
Hometown: West Grove, PA

Student Orgs: Mental Health Assembly, American Medical Women's Association, American Foundation for Suicide Prevention at GW

Molly Woerner.

Molly Woerner

Class of 2025
School: Columbian College of Arts and Sciences
Major: Communication and Information Systems
Hometown: Rancho Mission Viejo, CA

Student Orgs: WRGW Campus Radio, GW CHAARG, HerCampus

Benjy Wolf-Wagner

Class of 2026
School: Columbian College of Arts and Sciences
Major: Geography and Sociology
Minor: Geographic Information Systems
Hometown: Framingham, MA

Student Orgs: GW Football Club, Humanitarian Mapping Society, Alpha Phi Omega

Megan Zeiss.

Megan Zeiss

Class of 2026
School: Elliott School of International Affairs, Columbian College of Arts and Sciences
Major: International Affairs and Chinese Language & Literature
Minor: Political Science
Hometown: Annapolis, MD

Student Orgs: GW Women's+ Rugby, Sigma Iota Rho, GW Orchestra

Rachel Zwirn.

Rachel Zwirn

Class of 2027
School: Columbian College of Arts and Sciences
Major: Data Science and Economics
Hometown: Chicago, IL

Student Orgs: GW Balance, Kappa Delta, Theta Tau Professional Engineering Fraternity